Review and some advice to new players
Never thought I'd find such intuitive play in a platform of this style!
Gonna make a run in Hard mode later, but I can't help but review now.
Give the game a chance in the beginning,
You really gotta get past level 3 to get
Up to the reaaaally fun parts!
Never approach bird fields head on! I was
Gonna try to write a thorough guide on bird fields, but I'll
Let someone more experience handle it... besides,
You really gotta play to learn... So in the beginning, just stay
Down, move slowly, and you'll learn what I'm talkin' about.
Never open your inventory while paused! You're
Gonna crash the game... That's complaint number 1.
Run animations sometimes lock up but they're just asthetic.
Around the time you unlock the spring-jump
And the dirt launcher moves, (lv 2) things get easier.
Desert boss was WAY too difficult man...
You really gotta tone that down.
Never unlocked the "secret" hat from the bonus cabinet...
Gonna look at the reviews afterward and see if I can find it.
Make an objective arrow or something!
You can get stuck alot, it'll make you
Cry and throw the keyboard across the room lol.
Never do those green side missions, all they're
Gonna do is deplete you dirt-ammo... I'd
Say to stick with Red and Blue missions.
Goodbye and good riddence to the tutorial levels!
Never use your atomic dust move, you're
Gonna wish you saved it when you get to a boss.
Tell friend from foe in the beginning, or it gets
A LOT harder later on.
Lie to the mafia-worm
And the underground worm if you want, but not the
Hurt-worms, or they'll screw
You on later missions.
Once you make a playthrough, replaying the game on higher difficulties are really really fun! Only extra piece of advice I can give you would be to read the left-most words of each line of my review in order, straight down. Enjoy the game!