Could've, should've, would've been better.
No handgun on this planet with a normal sized magazine has 30 rounds in it. Maybe if it was akimbo, but not a single.
Needs more guns. A rifle with a scope would have been excellent. A fully automatic of any kind of have been nice.
Needs to give the player more control. How well I did wasn't really determined by my accuracy, it was a matter of the turn speed. Also, the turn should be made with the arrow keys, not my pointing your mouse at the edge of the screen.
The "reload" animation was just annoying. It was slow, unneventful, it blocks the whole screen, and it's not accurate to how you actually reload a gun. Thats how you UNJAM a gun.
I think the classic cookie-cutter level-based element, and upgrade elements to the game would have made this better. Where you start off fighting simple enemy types, and in between levels buying things such as weapons, health, ammo, stuff like that. As the level progresses, the type of opponents, and intesity of your arsenal increases.
A problem I found is that the game is entirely too easy for like five minute, then in a matter of 30 seconds, you get swarmed and die. Theres no in-between "Ahh I'm struggling to maintain this game.". It's always either "This is boring.. needs more enemies" or "Wtf, I don't physically have the combination of the turning speed nor the rounds in my magazine to kill everything on screen"
I know what I say is a programming nightmare, not to mention stereotypically linear to like... every base defense game ever, but it's the truth. This game just doesn't have enough gameplay elements in it.
It's boring.