Sound man
you dont have a single sound effect in the whole thing.
You seem to have a knack at having multiple things happening at the same exact time, but you seem to lack the understanding of how to apply it.
As 2 things are always happening at the same time throughout the entire animation, making it impossible for the human eye to keep track of it all and without the assistance of the sense of hearing which takes from both the effect and the ability to interprete whats going on, its impossible to have a set focal point of the flash. So I'll constantley find myself looking at the guy unjamming his gun rather than looking at the guy who just defeated a 3 on 1.
The sound is a big issue. There was no protagonist. excusable. But if you dont have a protagonist, then u are going to have trouble getting your audience to concentrate on the focal point.
I almost gave you a 1 for sound until i realised i shouldn't judge you on your lack of sounds, and rather, the sound track, which was very good.
Sound is a requirement to any movie of any type including flash animation. It can have a bigger influence than you can imagine.