Not horrible.
As an artist:
The cartoon was decent. The music was decent. Execution was decent. It was front-page worthy, but only just. Not much else I can say here. There's nothing groundbreaking, or even particularly interesting here from an artist's standpoint.... Nevertheless, it was executed properly, and I cannot justify giving you a 9/10 instead of a 10/10, just know that I was really thinking about it.
As a libertarian:
I appreciate this particular animation's focus towards avoiding the idiotic "Let's ban tobacco" approach and addressing the true problem with smoking in the world: The CHOICE to smoke. Glancing over a few reviews, it appears that some begrudged smokers here have become inspired to give a shot at quitting smoking. Perhaps with this on front page, several hundred will try to quit, and if even 1 of those hundred who tried to quit succeeds and lives a better life, then I suppose this animation did its job didn't it?
As a smoker:
I'm not a cigarette smoker. I'm a casual pipe tobacco smoker. I'm not addicted to nicotine, and I smoke so incredibly infrequently it's insane. Really, I tend to smoke on occasion, NOT as a coping mechanism, so I feel compelled to mention: Not all tobacco smokers are addicted cigarette smokers. Comparing me to a common cigarette addict is a lot like comparing a fine wine taster to a common alcoholic. It's almost insulting. I do not intend on "quitting" my pipe and anyone who asks me to can go screw themselves... and so I again thank you jackbliss... for NOT doing that, and for staying focused on the TRUE problem.